Spanish Immersion Online Book Clubs for Kids

Embark on a reading journey with Spanish in Action’s Book Clubs!

Whether your child is bilingual and fluent or starting their reading adventure, our immersive online clubs offer a delightful Spanish reading experience. Guided by experienced native teachers, these clubs enhance knowledge, fluency, and vocabulary. We aim to motivate, encourage, and inspire every child on their path to bilingual literacy. Join us for positive, upbeat, supportive Book Club meetings at Spanish in Action!

Program highlights

  • Develop a love for reading and storytelling through inspiring books
  • Deepen engagement by reading classic and modern stories
  • Teens and adults will explore genres and learn about other cultures
  • Students discuss topics and current events of their interest
  • Explore characters, plot and settings in teacher-led discussions
  • Exchange Ideas and Dynamic Points-of-View
  • Everyone takes turns reading out loud in Spanish to better their fluency
  • Improve critical thinking skills and widen their imagination
  • Small groups of up to 3 students!

How to enroll

Parents form their book clubs with their children’s friends. We create a tailor-made Spanish immersion book club according to your goals and assign one of our hand-picked and experienced native language teachers to your group. Your pod meets for one hour weekly on your chosen scheduled day and time.

The teacher and your book club pod will set goals, address needs, and choose book preferences.

Small Groups
  • Limited to 3 students ONLY!
  • Small group up to 3: $160 monthly per student